Back in January 2007 I was very anxious for FIOS to be available in my apartment complex. I've had it with horrible Cablevision customer service, their DVR box that kept missing recordings, TV service interruptions and other problems. When I finally was hooked up to Verizon it was like a dream come true. Friendly customer support representatives, ton of new channels, and great HD quality, super fast internet speeds, great router too! Sure I had few issues with billing (extra charges), but all it took one or two quick calls to get credit. Even despite of their POP3 mail issues I was one happy customer :) Unfortunately at the end of last year I had to move. And area where I live now doesn't have FIOS, so I had no choice but to switch back to Cablevision. It was difficult in the beginning, but I was really surprised by how much Cablevison's support has improved. Eventually I bought a Tivo HD box instead of Explorer DVRs, and while using Cablecards
wasn't without a problems, I had a tech visiting my home on the next, and sometimes on the same day after I called. One the phone experience was great too. Not all the stuff was knowledgeable enough, but they really tried to help. Maybe it's because of the rating system they have at the end of each call...
Meanwhile I was still wanted FIOS. Basically I'm spending few minutes every day on Verizon's site, checking my address availability. But I keep on receiving these "Final" bills from them. I got 3 so far. Each one has different amount, even tho I payed for everything 2 months ago. Last one stated that I didn't return Router so they charged me $114 for it (with taxes and some fees). They even threaten me with collection agency! I was really pissed, because one week after disconnecting service in November I spent 2 hours driving to their location in Whiteplains and personally returned DVR, Router, all the cables, manuals and everything I had... And few weeks before that when I was on the phone with Verizon cust. rep, she told me that I don't even have to return the router! I only returned it because I couldn't use it with Cablevision anyway. Obviously I called Verizon right away (it was after 6 pm)... Their automatic system is absolutely horrible. How
do you explain to it that I my old phone number tied to the disconnected account has changed? After about 10 minutes of trying to get to the live person, I finally got a message that "our offices are closed".
I called the next day during business hours. It was like talking to a robot. They couldn't comprehend the simple fact that I was charged for a router which I returned on time. They kept repeating to me my statement balance and that I have to pay it or else... After about 3rd call, I finally got thru to someone who had half a brain. I kept on being transfered from one department to another, until I finally got the same person I talked to initially. That's not funny people :) Anyway I finally got someone to fill out a form to refund the charges and they even promised me not to report me to collection agency. I can only hope they really did it...
This experience made me think... How did evil company like Cablevision became so customer oriented, while super friendly Verizon's support turned into a nightmare? They are facing some serious competition from other cable companies, and yet they treat their customers like dirt... Not a good move... Now I'm not sure anymore if I want to switch to FIOS, or just get Boost from CV. And I'm hearing they now require 2 year contract? Verizon is better get their act together, or they won't have any of my business.
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