I've been reading in the tech news about new Kodak's 5MP tiny censor. It's actually small enough for the cell phone cameras. So I thought to myself, great this means I would be able to take 5 Megapixel snapshot, but what about crappy lens? I haven't heard about many scientific breakthroughs in optical lens quality, so new phones will get great censor but old crappy piece of glass. Will this make pictures look better? Yes! I believe it will. What is the best camera in the world?

Human eye of course (well maybe certain animal's too). You have an amazing sensor (retina) with about 105 million photosensitive cells (100 million monochrome and 5 million color), most powerful in the world video processor (visual cortex of the brain), and really small lens. Image that you normally see is blurry, with lots of noise (veins) and a huge blind spot. Yet you see a crystal clear image thanks to our brain. It processes, fixes and enhances everything that eye sees. Same thing is done by the camera's CPU. The better this CPU is and more information it has to work with (megapixels) the greater resulting image will be. So I think that new 5Mp cell phone cameras will take great images even with the same crappy lenses on them. Of course not better than SLR with a good lens and same or better resolution, but still it might actually threaten point and shoot digital camera market.
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